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[⁠Media & Broadcasting] Broadcasting Multilingual Subtitle Production Function Using Loomex
Date : 2021-05-13Views : 389
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Digital media services and AIML (machine learning) are actively linked, representing multilingual caption production and indexing.

⁠Common Caption Editing

Captioning is a metadata management item that may require modification and editing when managing Media Assets. 

In addition, caption editors usually use Closed Caption. As the content progresses at various stages, the importance of the latter half increases.




⁠Create multilingual captions using STT (Speech To Text)


The actual video and caption files (mainly Close Caption) have different access paths. For broadcasts, you can upload 

the prompter or script as it is, but it does not necessarily match the sound in the video, or you need to check it to comply 

with Web Accessibility. The accuracy of AI and ML is increasing day by day, and you can try AI and ML when you need 

voice analysis and multilingual captions.


Extract audio files from uploaded video files and generate audio captions using extensions that work with commercial cloud AIML. 

The difference between this audio file and the regular file is that it generates its own audio file by distinguishing the igniter 

(mainly actors and characters). To do this, synchronization of video and audio waveforms and generated captions is very important.



You can also use Loomex subtitle editing screen as a video for translation and acceptance inspection. 

Even if you use cloud extensions to create igniter captions for the original video, multilingual conversion 

requires nuance and acceptance of appropriate words and terms.



⁠Extract audio files from video files, use Speech To Text (STT) to create original captions, and create workflows from ALML to multilingual 

conversion in the external cloud. You can then integrate with existing files or even work with options to generate new versions. 

(AWS is the representative external AI.)



⁠Needless to say, captions can be modified and edited by igniter from the existing captions modification interface. This process requires 

a very sophisticated connection to metadata modification editing workflows other than AI integration.


⁠Although commercialized cloud-based extensions can improve video distribution workflows, they can also increase the value of service 

platforms by integrating data collection. You can also use STT (Speech To Text) to convert comments and video scenes from show hosts 

into data, process and combine viewing and purchase history data, and create a more meaningful data system.

Loomex:  AL-ML extension

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